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  • How Should The Stock Market Crash Influence Your Real Estate Business?

How Should The Stock Market Crash Influence Your Real Estate Business?

If you know me at all you probably know what Im gonna say

Happy Wednesday Folks,

The news these past few days has been all about the economy, specifically the big stock market crash that occurred in the US and Japan and how it may or may not be the start of an official recession.

But of course the most important question is:

How should this effect your real estate investing and business??

Well spoiler alert, it really shouldn’t.

When it comes to your business, honestly the most important factor for MOST of us are going to be:

  1. The local economic factors (whatever is happening in your market)

  2. The larger social factors/happenings (EX new landlord laws. New Subsidy programs)

The larger economy, if you are LONG TERM BULLISH on the US as a whole, honestly shouldn’t effect you and your operations much at all.

If you believe in the United States, real estate values and business opportunities have been increasing for the last like 100 years.

Not saying you need to expect to wait THAT long for success, BUT you should have an understanding/belief that over the mid/long term things will keep improving.

If you are BEARISH against the US, then honestly start working to go somewhere else. The US passport is pretty valuable for now so move somewhere that you believe in more.

As real estate investors, a poor consumer economy is honestly good for us. All of a sudden our inventory/product goes on sale in droves.

Its a weird position we are in but its the truth. Others having less opportunity creates opportunity for us. So when that happens you need to be ready to move.

In lieu of worrying about the economy and stock market, you should be doubling down on optimizing your own personal business/sales skills.

Getting BETTER at what you do

Growing your team by recruiting A Players who have been laid off to come work for you.

You should preparing so if things get REALLY Weird (like 2020 weird) that youre going to come out as that person that “got lucky” when really you had been prepping for that BIG Opportunity intensely before hand.

All and all stay the course, focus on what you can control, work to GET BETTER, and in the long term things PROBABLY will be ok.

If they arent OK, then we have bigger things to worry about than your “financial independence”.

We do a pretty in depth discussion on this on next weeks Collecting Keys Episode.

Check it out if you want.

Or don’t, I’m not your mom I cant tell you what to do.
