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  • What does this political climate mean for real estate?

What does this political climate mean for real estate?

What a wild weekend we just had

Today is Monday.

It’s a monday after yet another world altering event (too many in the past 5 years).

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, stop living under a rock and go on ANY website and you’ll figure it out pretty quick.

I generally dislike talking about politics.

Its one of the most divisive topics we have in the world right now and for most of my life I’ve been able to get by just not focusing on it.

But now as a business owner, employer, investor, and higher net worth individual, I am unfortunately given no choice but to pay SOME attention.

Regardless where you fall on the political spectrum you can’t deny that it is an altogether UGLY time for the US.

But what does this current environment mean for Real Estate and us investors in general?

I’m not going to pretend to have a crystal ball and make economic predications or make claims of scenarios based on who wins in November, but honestly nobody knows.

But I will share my very general thoughts on how to best come out successful in this time of extreme tension.

  1. You can’t deny there is a HUGE housing shortage and HIGH demand for real estate. Politics aside, this is straight fact.

    • As a result I expect Real Estate to remain strong. Despite rates, prices, everything we are still WELL below historical everything with Real Estate

  2. Real Estate is still a HARD asset and residential mortgages are still a HUGE part of the US Economy.

    • Even if the unthinkable happens such as hyper inflation, financial collapse, ect…. your residential real estate will still be worth SOMETHING. Even if the US dollar disappears and we are transacting with Space Bux or some nonsense, your homes still have value until they are taken from you (at which case we have much bigger problems).

  3. Your own skills, mindset, and creativity can be independent of who’s in office.

    • Its never been more important to develop and grow your skills and durability. If your success relies on a certain political or economic outcome, your failure is on you for being unable to adapt.

  4. Don’t “turn off the news” to escape the noise

    • Maybe an unpopular opinion, but the old advice of “just turn of the news and focus” I dont think is really applicable right now. Mainstream news sucks ass for sure, everyone knows that regardless of which side youre on, but you should have SOME idea of whats going on. We have a ton of tension right now and being ignorant to it all probably isnt a wise decision.

  5. In everything you do lead with kindness but also please be cautious

    • The world needs kindness right now. That’s a fact. That being said, there are not shortage of people itching for a conflict on all sides. If you lead with kindness, you’ll be making the world a better place, and in a time of constant conflict I am confident your reputation will be more important than ever.

Focus on yourself and your business.

Do good by people.

Stay informed but not obsessed.

Keep buying real estate.

If you do all of that, things should be just fine.

Cool there’s my political post for the decade.

Have a good week everyone.
