• Mike Invests
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  • I'm building a $50m Real Estate Brand by helping 2000+ people become millionaires

I'm building a $50m Real Estate Brand by helping 2000+ people become millionaires

Im announcing this commitment so you all can hold me to it.

Happy Monday everyone,

You may have noticed I stopped doing this daily 😅 

The engagement was super awesome (regularly 40-45% open rate) BUT I’ll be honest I was running out of ideas and as business has gotten busy I felt I was STRETCHING for content and it was becoming less authentic.

So, I’ll do this 2-4 days per week now and focus on making it a bit higher quality.

Anyways coming off of the Acquisition.com Scaling Workshop I have had my views of business and what is possible completely changed.

The end of last week I spent a lot of time with Dan and my leadership team digesting everything from the workshop and planning our big goals and we have ended up with a new Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG)….

How to we build this brand to $50m+ in Revenue??

Why $50m? Well it just feels like a lot. And at $50m with a 20% profit margin the entire leadership team would be able to make multi 7 figures pretty comfortably and that would be pretty cool.

A big change we are making for this is focusing on MAINTAINING (not growing) our Real Estate Business while GROWING our brand/services businesses.

In 2023, we did about $3.2m across our suite of businesses.

Our Real Estate Wholesaling Biz did about $2.2m, and our Brand/Services (SCALE Community, Lending Company, SimpliLeads) did about $1m collectively.

Reflecting on all of this with our team we came up with a conclusion…. really SCALING the Wholesaling Biz on its own is HARD. Super Hard and honestly NOT VERY FUN.

Once you get to the $1.5-3m/year range with the Real Estate Investment business, the wins are less exciting (they’re expected), the crazy stories/sellers become routine, and it can turn into a bit of a grind.

What is awesome though is helping other people create LIFE CHANGING MONEY with their Real Estate business with our suite of Real Estate Service businesses.

In the couple of years we have run those services we have had several members/customers quit their W2s, reach financial freedom, and become millionaires.

Let me tell you, that shit FIRES ME UP!

For real things like our KeysCon events or seeing peoples wins our our SCALE slack channel have become literally the reason I wake up and grind every day.

I’m no longer driven to keep hoarding houses like some real estate hoarding dragon (one of the better insults we have been called on Instagram) but instead driven by HELPING AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE be able to build the same kind of life I have been able to by building a Real Estate business.

Our plan to do this while building a $50m business is 3 fold:

  1. Maintain our existing Real Estate wholesaling business to make sure we stay relevant in the industry (nothing worse than these guys who over preach obsolete tactics because they are no longer in the know)

  2. Maintain a TIGHT KNIT community in our SCALE Community where the value/opportunities are SO GOOD that people are foolish to leave.

  3. Have our A Level SCALE members help us Refine and Develop our different REI Services Companies (Simplileads, Lending Company, soon to be Direct Mail Company) so we can go to wider market and help investors DOMINATE at all levels.

The ultimate outcome we are aiming for is:

  • 150-200 SCALE Members that are absolute savages in their markets.

  • 2000-2500 regular customers to our service businesses.

  • 100,000+ followers of the Collecting Keys brand who have used knowledge gained from us to reach new financial heights.

If we hit these numbers with our current prices we mathematically should be at $50m/year while simultaneously helping THOUSANDS of people become millionaires themselves.

We have work to do everyone.

Wanna come along for the ride? Shoot me a follow on Instagram and send me a DM if you want to be one of the 2000+ millionaires we help create while chasing our cause.
