How to discover what you REALLY want

Hint: It'll vary over time

Happy Friday Folks,

Its impossible to discover what you actually want in life before you are rich.

Had a great discussion this past week while recording the Collecting Keys Podcast (episode in question coming out 8/7 so subscribe so you dont miss it) that went into what dictates what you ACTUALLY want with your life.

This came up because honestly, I think people spend TOO MUCH TIME actually trying to figure out what they want, when they don’t even have the physical and mental ability to do so yet, and so they end up failing over and over again.

Let me explain:

There’s this concept called Maslow’s hierarchy of needs that I really subscribe to.

Its basically like the food pyramid, but helps portray how someone will prioritize things aka what their NEEDS are.

Basically if the base of the pyramid isn’t met, none of the higher items will matter.

If someone doesnt have food/shelter, then their safety and security takes a back seat and they will take risks to get those physiological needs.

If someone doesn’t have a feeling of belonging, then its harder to work on themselves or realize their full potential.

To make things more complicated, if the lower parts are GIVEN not EARNED, then the muscles necessary to comprehend the higher tier needs don’t develop.

This is a huge reason we have major mental health issues in most first world countries, the Physiological and Safety Needs are basically given out, the higher tiers are:

  1. Never developed due to lack of struggle/growth

  2. is replaced with the brain candy social media/instant gratification thats so easy to consume.

To make matters worse, everyone is bombarded by people telling you that to be happy you need to find your purpose to be happy, but can’t seem to tell you how.

(Instead they’ll say buying their $12,000 Ice Bath or their $50,000 mindset training you’ll be able to achieve it, but I digress….)

Really what you SHOULD do is focus on getting rich.

The saying “money doesnt buy happiness” is 100% true, but it does buy the ability to be happy.

Money solves the Safety and Physiological needs due to an abundance of resources.

The sheer challenge of getting rich forces you to make connections (its VERY hard to do alone without getting flat lucky).

The realization that you can pave your own path and live a life you want builds your Self Esteem and Feeling of Accomplishment.

And then finally that leads you to Self Actualization where you can actually figure out what the hell you want life to look like.

When people reach Tier 2 Financial independence is when they start to realize what they actually want.

 This is when you can’t just pay your bills but you can kinda do whatever. Be that play golf on a Tuesday, go on vacation a couple times a year, not look at a restaurant bill ect….

When they reach this level people have 2 natural inclinations:

  1. Go BIG and SCALE

  2. Just live their life and do their thing.

There is no wrong answer, and the specifics of this vary wildly (obviously) depending on peoples situations, but reaching this higher level financial position is completely necessary to have this kind of enlightenment.

The point of all of this is….

If you find yourself unsure of what you want, unable to see the big picture, stressed/anxious/unhappy and you’re unsure why…

Its probably because part of your Hierarchy of needs aren’t being met, and one of the greatest ways to get past that is to EARN your way out of it.

Yes that will be hard AF, but that’s where you build that prestige and feeling of accomplishment.

Unpopular opinion from a filthy capitalist???

Ya probably, but hey this is my newsletter so I’ll say what I like 😉 

Hit me up on Instagram.
