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  • Calling All Investors Doing $250k to $1m per year

Calling All Investors Doing $250k to $1m per year

We have something for you

Happy Friday Everyone!

To round out this week I wanted to talk about some changes I am making to the content my various platforms (Socials, Podcast, This Newsletter) to more specifically target the people I LOVE conversing with.

Over the past 3 years as I have become a “content creator” almost by accident, I have gone the same path most people do.

I evolved past the “this feels like a grind phase” into the “lets try to make this big and talk to big names phase” and come to realize that content like that is not interesting to me.

So many business content creators I know geek out about having a platform that will give them the opportunities to talk to the titans of their industries, and after pursuing (and sometimes succeeding) with that for a few years, its honestly just so superficial and frankly BORING.

SO, we are making some big changes to our guests and messaging.

If you haven’t seen my Instagram recently, I have been pushing my new goal to help 2000 real estate investors build million dollar businesses.

This is for 2 reasons:

  1. I think that is the best market place to be in for my skill set in terms of growing my business (sorry folks but I do do this shit to make money I’m not gonna pretend I don’t haha)

  2. I honestly LOVE working with, connecting with, and bonding with people in that like sub $1m to low 7 figure range.

There’s something magical about that high 6 figure to sub $1m/year range of entrepreneur.

They’re heavily in the grind mode facing burn out, but they have had their eyes opened to the possibilities and wont ever look back.

They are learning new things EVERY DAY and closing deals/getting wins creates a euphoria that no one arounds them understands.

They’re one or two mistakes away from disaster, but their passion and hunger keeps them pushing forward.

Its honestly akin to the early honeymoon phase of a new relationship. It’s all consuming and no matter what you do you cant stop thinking about it.

So moving forward we are changing our Monday Collecting Keys interviews away from the people who have already made it and instead bringing on $250-1m-ish operators who are ACTIVE IN THEIR BUSINESS and growing.

The goal is for every operator who listens to get actionable advice from PEERS, not from random people who got rich 5-10 years ago and are slightly removed from what it actually takes these days.

SO, if YOU are one of those $250-1m-ish operators who wants to come on the show and share knowledge with your peers (or you know someone that is) I would LOVE to hear from you 🙂 

Reply to this email or send me a DM on Instagram to make the connection.

Ultimately Im so excited to back to the roots of this show and my brand to be for operators, by operators, and get away from this constant pull to become another Bigger Pockets copy cat that absolutely no one asked for.

Have a great weekend, and seriously if youre one of the people we wanna talk to, HMU YO!!
