- Mike Invests
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- We Bult a bunch of Sales Pro's - The Post KeysCon Energy is REAL
We Bult a bunch of Sales Pro's - The Post KeysCon Energy is REAL
Literally makes all the work for the event worthit.
Happy Saturday Folks!
We are officially 1 full week post KeysCon (well at least TONIGHT the event will have wrapped up a week ago) and the wins a handful of our Scale Community Members have had since the event is honestly unreal.
A big part of the event is we do an exercise called Sales Roulette where everyone splits off into groups and calls leads they have been following up with. The smaller group members listen to the calls and provide feedback.
This is all done strategically after a whole morning of Sales Training so the goal is to implement some of your new knowledge while making the calls.
To say the impact is immediate and immense would be an understatement…
One of our members Drew Wiard got a 4 unit under contract AT THE EVENT with KILLER seller finance terms to add to his portfolio. Second year in a row someone got a deal signed at KeysCon lets keep that streak up!!
Eric Clunn (No Social Media) set himself an appointment at the event, got back Monday, walked the house, got the PSA SIGNED and ASSIGNED IT FOR A $15K fee all on Monday after the event
Adam Compagnone walked THREE house appointments that he booked while at the event and snagged a deal ON SITE on the hood of the sellers car,
Brandon Hien submitted a Post KeysCon call for our Weekly Sales training on Wednesday and, although he didnt get a deal (yet), it was literally one of the most dramatic improvements in Sales ability I have ever seen based on the calls we reviewed before the event. Theres no doubt some deals will be right around the corner for him.
Overall seeing members come for two LONG days and be fully committed and come home slinging BIG IMMEDIATE WINS is literally one of my favorite things in the world.
Sorry not sorry, if youre not part of SCALE and coming to the next KeysCon event, your limiting how successful you’ll be in the next 12 months.
If you wanna see if youre a good fit book a call HERE and lets chat!
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