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  • 3 Hormozi Changes To Optimize Our Wholesaling Business

3 Hormozi Changes To Optimize Our Wholesaling Business

Last Hormozi Post I promise :)

Hey hey everyone!

Its Friday and I promise this will be the last post I make about the Alex Hormozi Scaling Conference I attended earlier this week.

I dont want to be that weird guy that talks about this experience that he really enjoyed and sounds like the guy living his glory days from High School football, so I want to bring things full circle and then move on.

To wrap up the discussion I am going to go over the 3 items from the conference we have decided to immediately begin implementing in our Wholesale business and how you can do the same (if you want).

  1. Revamp our “Client Success” (Transaction) process to emphasize Early Wins

    Historically during transactions we have tried to keep people informed about what was going on, but we have done a really bad job about keeping people EXCITED about the transaction moving forward. We plan to revamp our process where we are doing more than checking in buy actively celebrating when key points of the transaction are completed with the goal being a reduction in dropped contracts or Sellers getting squirrely at the finish line

  2. Revamping our KPIs to be PUSHED to us instead of PULLED by someone on our team

    If you dont know your numbers in your business you dont know anything. As marketing, overhead, and transaction volume increases your data can turn into a mess very quickly. At the workshop they recommended a platform called DataBox to escape the “Google Sheets Empire” and we are implementing it as we speak to get a better view on how the business is performing.

  3. All business decisions will move towards correcting the PRIMARY CONSTRAINT

    With business its so easy to get distracted doing things you FEEL like doing, and not what you NEED to be doing. Should I be creating new marketing templates if our lead flow is already adequate but we are not hitting our closing targets? Hell no I shouldnt! But of course what do I always do because its easier and more towards my strengths? This all stops today and between our company L10s as well as our regular meetings everything is now focused on the primary challenge we KNOW is preventing the business from growing, not what we FEEL like will make a difference…eventually.

That’s it guys. Not super sexy, nothing increadibly secretive. But hey business is business and honestly the high level concepts are pretty simple when you start to understand how the strategy works.

Thanks for reading everyone,
